Macbook 2018 2019 2020 T2 Untethered iCloud Bypass for Mac T2 BridgeOS ( 6.0 to 7.2 ) ONLY
Note the app run better on intel Macs
- download - install - Open the app
- enter the locked Mac into DFU mode
- register the ECID on our website
- click the activate button on the app
- once the app completed hold on the lock mac 2 keys ( Command R )
- Connect to Wi-Fi and wait until inside recovery
- inside recovery if you see Mojave or Catalina start install like normal, if you see Big Sur or newer OS STOP and contact the admin because new os will update BridgeOS to latest.
- once you make it to desktop run this command to kill the automatic updates
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ CatalogURL http://NoUpdatesAvailable
Done. Enjoy !!!
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